Flu goes around and hits home

It's been all around our two north county schools for lots of weeks now. I remember not too long ago asking the school nurse, if I should get it and can't get to the store for provisions, what do I need on hand to be comfortable with my symptoms. She recommended Tylenol, chicken broth, chicken noodle soup, seven up and for sure a thermometer. I stopped on my way home that day and stocked up.

So let's say that was about six weeks ago when the kids and staff at school started getting the flu and I had my flu shot at the high school a couple of weeks ago. I have been feeling pretty confident that I had escaped this season's flu, wrong.

I am so good about not touching my eyes or nose or mouth. Washing my hands in excess and using high alcohol hand sanitizer often. Thursday half way through the Halloween party at school I started feeling chilled. It didn't take too long before I felt light-headed like I was going to faint.

One little boy had lots of chocolate frosting and sprinkles from his cupcake on his fingers and asked if I would walk with him to the restroom so he could wash his hands.

As I stood in the hall my head felt like the lights were about to go out and I started to shiver. Luckily for me, my boss was in the room right across the hall and I was able to flag her over to relieve me. Thank you Sylvia.

It took me a few minutes of sitting in my car before I felt I could drive home the short distance. When I got home I grabbed a cozy blanket and I laid on the sofa until I felt OK to get up and check my temperature. No wonder I was feeling so bad, it was 102 degrees. Tylenol time and a glass of Gatorade.

When I fell asleep at 8:30 that night I didn't wake up until 11:30 the next morning, I was shocked. More Tylenol as the fever had rose again to 102 degrees.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday all seemed to blur together with lots of sleep, fever rising and falling, body aches and that stuff you have to run to the restroom for that I do not want to discuss.

It was a pretty tough few days but thank goodness we had a four day weekend off at school. I made it through and I am very appreciative to all of our health care workers who help us in our time of need.

Before you get the flu make sure you are prepared. Hope you can escape it. Good luck.

Lisa Welch is a Johnson Lane resident and can be reached at 267-9350.


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