What if airport question fails?

There's an old Carson Valley story about Lucky Bill Thorington jumping H.F. Dangberg's claim to a ranch. When Dangberg challenged an armed Thorington, he replied, "What are you going to do now, Dutchman?"

A similar question has been framed around the debate over the weight limit at the Minden-Tahoe Airport, and federal demands that the county alter the weight limit there.

Residents have asked what happens if they choose not to support an ordinance expanding the weight limit.

A good question, and one that Assistant County Manager Steve Mokrohisky proposes be explored before the county adopts final language for the ordinance to appear in the November ballot.

Even if the county were in compliance with FAA regulations, it's not a bad effort to find out what will happen should federal funds dry up.

There has been more than one national story revealing that most of the people paying most of the $18.7 million that goes to Minden-Tahoe Airport have never seen Carson Valley. It's always possible that some uproar will render the question of federal funding moot.

We think the upshot of Mokrohisky's report will be that the county will be back funneling money to the airport that was going to the senior center, or the library, or the parks.

Certainly that's how the airport was funded before, when there was a lot more money and things cost a lot less.


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