Democrats destroy America's spirit


Regarding the letter to the editor a few weeks ago ( What would one do to cripple the U.S.?), I can only agree and have had similar thoughts that our new Democratic government really wants to cripple the U.S.

The stock market has lost about 20 percent since Obama has taken control over our financial destiny, and what the future holds appears to be considerably more financial, political, environmental and military weakness.

The environmental movement thinks they will get what they have wanted for many years " to weaken the U.S., so it won't consume so much of the worlds' resources.

It has been my observation that affluence provides for environmental remediation and the ability to do something less damaging, and poor countries abuse the environment the most. Thus, the opposite may occur.

This short-sided and ruinous thinking plays into Democratic processes that have a long history. A few examples are offered.

Rahm Emanuel's (Obama's Chief of Staff) rule No. 1 is "a crisis is a terrible thing to waste."

Well as you can see they are not wasting it. In fact, by flooding the market with massive debt they ignore the obvious that it must be paid back by someone and at sometime.

By doing more of what caused this financial collapse, they justify their long-held beliefs that local pork projects will give them a political advantage. And, of course it may have some short-term results, if we all sell out our morals for temporary gains. Democratic practice is typically to pass laws to allow people who can't afford it to buy expensive homes, and then pass laws to prevent the banks from foreclosing so others can pay the bill. The true Democratic ideal is to remove all sense of personal responsibility from people that have little, so government is their only refuge.

The true Democratic mantra for many years is to tell us we shouldn't have any religious faith, the family is not sacrosanct, school choice, charter schools, and home schooling are bad for your children, marriage isn't necessary between only a man and a woman, criminals should not be subject to much incarceration or capital punishment, felons should be able to vote, it's OK to abort the baby and put the live fetus in the closet to be thrown out with tomorrow's trash, and many other anti-morality issues.

E.R. Chipp


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