You've been lied to by the media

It is incontrovertible that the United States of America has an enormous reserve of wealth in oil, coal and natural gas. President Obama, and the Democrats, oppose utilizing our own resources and have blocked our opportunity for energy independence. Who needs foreign enemies? A kindergartner would tell you that the first step is to explore and develop your own resources. On the positive side our dependence on enemies for oil would be diminished and eventually be eliminated. At home jobs would be created by private industry and the cost of energy would decline. There is no negative side because research into alternative energy sources would continue. To the dismay of the UN, our wacko environmentalists and "cap and trade" politicians (preparing to burden you with unnecessary taxes) the "manmade global warming" hoax is being debunked by hundreds of expert climatologists. The planet continues its decade of cooling. By the way CO2 is not a noxious gas, you're exhaling it. CO2 levels have no bearing on planetary temperature. You've been lied to. Readers, please check this assertion. Dr. Roy Spencer, Lord Moncton.....or hundreds of their colleagues (vis UN climate conference in Poland December 2008), Hadley in GB are reliable experts in the field of climatology. Al Gore is not an expert. He is a dufus getting rich on a hoax. I find it offensive that this dufus thinks we are dufi.

While Barack, etal, are about to commit billions of your (your children and grandchildrens') dollars to windmills and solar energy, which comprise less than 2 percent of our current energy source, they oppose building refineries and safe, clean nuclear power plants (the source of 75 percent of France's power). Can you picture Obama, Pelosi and Reid driving around in a car with a solar panel on the hood, a sail on the roof and a windmill on the trunk? No, the "Obamamobile" is for the masses. While his proposed governmental expenditures exceed those of the prior 234 years he brilliantly proposes cutting our defense budget by 10 percent in order to improve our security. Who needs foreign enemies?

The above policies could only be promulgated by a Marxist ideologue or an idiot. Barack is no idiot. Unfortunately Obama has the charisma of Svengali and the politics of Lenin. It is critical that we wake up if we want to live in the country our founders bequeathed us.

Dick Witzig



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