A few liberal achievements


I am referencing the letter from Dick Witzig where he is still trying to out President Obama with the same old trash that the right-wingers tried and failed with during the 2008 election. The large majority of American people again spoke clearly and elected the best qualified person to lead us. How long is it going to take the right wing of this country to understand that most voters are too well informed in this generation to listen to their ravings. Conservatives are always ranting about liberals as if they are the devil incarnate.

Conservative Republicans must always attempt to rise to power on the basis of how terrible and destructive the liberals are in our American society. Liberal leaning people and administrations on the other hand focus on a message of uplifting humanity and making things better for the common welfare of all peoples of the world. Yes, we are dreamers to some extent but look what many of these dreams have accomplished just during the 20th century just to name a few:

Saved this country from the first "Great Depression" and developed a strong middle-class

Implemented Social Security and Medicare for the elderly and indigent

Implemented national unemployment insurance

Reversed the ravages of racism and became a great instrument of the civil rights movement

Led this country and the world to victory over facism in World War II

Championed the minimum wage laws in this country

Championed the defeat of sexism in the U.S.

Championed public education and integration of schools

This is just to name a few of the liberal accomplishments but quite an impressive resume; wouldn't you say?

I always remind my Conservative friends if they are of the Christian faith to go back and read (Matthew 25:40) "As you have done it to these the least of my brethren, you have done it unto me." That was Jesus Christ talking folks; the most famous liberal known to mankind. If a nonbeliever; the golden rule will work as well.

Bill Thomas



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