Man who showed up drunk for court seeking treatment

A 38-year-old Gardnerville man who showed up drunk for a court date told a judge Wednesday he had obtained help for his alcoholism from a chaplain, doctor, counselor and a substance abuse coordinator at the Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center in Pickel Meadow.

Kevin Leroy, Department of Defense fire inspector at the base, told East Fork Justice Jim EnEarl he was allowed to move into temporary quarters on base and can take advantage of military counseling services.

Leroy was sentenced Jan. 14 to five days in jail when he showed up late to court for a hearing on a November 2008 driving under the influence arrest.

His blood-alcohol content was .24 at his court hearing, three times the legal limit of .08 for driving in Nevada.

Leroy admitted to EnEarl that he drank "quite a bit" of a bottle of vodka in the three hours between his meeting with his lawyer and a 2 p.m. court appearance.

"I made a lot of mistakes," Leroy said. "I woke up in jail and I realized I let this become a problem."

EnEarl sentenced him to a 90-day suspended jail term for the original driving under the influence charge. A DUI charge from June 16 had been dismissed.

"You should have figured it out then," EnEarl said.

Because Leroy is seeking treatment, his fine was cut from $892 to $517.

He is subject to search and seizure by the Department of Adult Supervision for the presence of drugs or alcohol.

He also must maintain employment and pay fees.

EnEarl set a review for April 13.

"You are on a slippery slope," EnEarl said. "If you take a drink of any alcoholic beverage, you will be serving 90 days."


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