The R-C Morning Report

I get the feeling from the reaction to the governor's state of the state address that it's going to be a long legislative session. It took about 5 minutes for the Democrats to reject the governor's proposal. We'll see what happens when the Legislature to convene on Feb. 2.

We'll be pursuing what happened with the budget proposal at the county commissioners meeting in Stateline on Thursday. County Manager T. Michael Brown gave a report on the status of the county's operating revenues for the second quarter and how the county will react.

I've had no fewer than four instances this week where people expressed concern about their water in some way. I can't pin it down to a single thing because it isn't just one water system and in one case isn't even a water system. All the drought talk probably has people thinking about their water supplies. It's good to be concerned, but we've had longer droughts than this one and the overall drinking water supply remained sound.

It will be another sunny day today, with the high climbing to 53 degrees. Expect temperatures to warm up over the three-day weekend. That little cloud off in the distance has grown a little bit, with the National Weather Service predicting something coming in on Tuesday. There is a slight chance of moisture on Wednesday and Thursday, including an actual snow level.


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