The R-C Morning Report

Indian Hills trustees continued a proposal to privatize their sewer and water operations until next month after the debate on the issue deteriorated into an argument over the paperwork. Under the plan, the district's four employees in the water and sewer departments would be replaced by a private company. Proponent Dianne Humble said the action would save the district money. The employees said the only company approached by the district for information included labor costs only. A letter from the employee's union threatened to tie the district up in court over their contract.

Douglas County commissioners have a couple of lawsuits to talk about and some reports to hear a their regular meeting 1:30 p.m. at the Tahoe Transportation Center in Stateline. One lawsuit forced the rewrite of the county's flood ordinance. The other is the water battle with the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe. Commissioners will also discuss the first reading of a rewritten festival ordinance.

No fog, no clouds, just sunny skies and a high temperature of 49 degrees. That's not going to stay that way, though. The National Weather Service is predicting rain for Saturday night and Sunday. Which could mean rain, or it could mean more of the same.


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