The R-C Morning Report

It was a reunion of the 2004 Indian Hills board that sought cityhood on Monday night. Art Baer, Ron Kruse, Chuck Swanson, and board chairwoman Dianne Humble were all in attendance. The three gentlemen were among four seeking the open seat on the board, along with resident Bill Moriarty. However, all four fell to a two-two tie and the selection will go to Douglas County commissioners.

The storm, it turns out, was at Genoa where longtime resident Ron Funk was seeking abandonment of 25 feet of Carson Street in front of his home. Ron bronchitis is getting the better of him and he's moving down to sea level on a doctor's advice. If the doc had been at Monday night's meeting, he might have suggested not poking the abandonment hive with a stick. In the face of substantial opposition, town board members voted that Funk should go through the formal process and come back, so they can do it all again.

Could someone tell me what's with all the birds at the Mica Chevron. Every time I drive by there are hundreds of birds perched or flying around the place. It's spooky.

The National Weather Service has cranked up the odds of having some sort of precipitation today to 80 percent. We've had a rain shower, but the radar isn't showing much and the wind hasn't kicked up yet. By the end of the day, the temperatures are supposed to drop 20 degrees, so remember your coat.


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