Letters to the Editor Oct. 1


Douglas County and the rest of the USA should be retaining food-producing land.

The way our economy is going citizens should be concerned where their future meals will come from. We must not continue to depend on foreign countries to provide our fruit, vegetables and meat.

Once grazing and agriculture lands are covered with cement they cannot be reversed. The land is damaged.

Mary Jane Harding



Last spring I heard there were three reasons that Park Cattle wanted to get their proposal to the commissioners before elections. Last month those three reasons needed more time to study the proposal.

Since then, the federal government has proposed a $700 billion bailout of our economy due to problems caused by overzealous lenders, euphoric community planners, and builders wanting to achieve the American dream.

Does anybody still believe that growth pays for itself?

Now they say things are so bad that farmers can't get credit to buy fertilizer and small business can't get the funds to cover their payroll.

Do you think those three reasons will now be able to find the backbone to tell Park Cattle no way, and quit wasting everyone's time?

Lynn V. Graff



I am a neighbor of the people who were robbed yesterday. They are the nicest people. They have worked hard all their lives. The people in our neighborhood are hard working good people. Thank goodness there are also a lot of retired people that live in our neighborhood, if not interrupted, the thieves could have done so much more damage. We are a close neighborhood and we look after one another.

I feel for the poor couple that had their fence tagged. What is with people today? We work hard for the things we have and someone comes along and takes or destroys what we have worked so hard for. I have lived here for 10 years. I settled here because my family said that it was so nice here and the people were wonderful.

Now I am beginning to feel like I am back in California. Robberies, murders, tagging, destruction. Do these people stop to think that there are people out there that have had to work two and three jobs to make ends meet? When I was young our water and electricity were constantly getting turned off, we had a big hole in the ceiling, and we ate fried bologna for dinner, my father was an alcoholic. I have had to work really hard for the things that I have. What makes a thief think that I have insurance or the money to replace the things they have taken or destroyed?

They are no worse off then I was growing up only I did something to "improve" myself and they are choosing to be lazy and take from those of us that work. Next time you go to rob some one's house or to vandalize their property ask yourself how would you feel if it was someone you cared about that it was happening too. How would you feel? Neighbors have to stick together especially with all the crime and violence these days. Get to know one another so we can protect each other. I have the most wonderful neighbors and friends.

Kay Label

Carson City


The writer of a recent opinion of "Killing is Killing" (R-C Sept. 19) assumes that someone who is pro-life, pro-war, pro-gun and pro-hunting would be conflicted. I will try to explain those positions and how they fit in God's plan. To be pro-life is to cherish that all children at the point of conception are an expression of God's sacred gift to a heterosexual couple. To be anti-life is to assume some lives are not important and can be killed by a man or woman's choice.

To be pro-war is to realize that God has had a hand in the destiny of mankind against tyranny and evil. An anti-war position considers that violence can be pacified by non-violence. Evil seeks an advantage over the weak and undefended. God's plan has included war from the man's beginning through biblical times and to the present. The presence of war will never end in God's plan until mankind is totally free of evil and wickedness on earth. God created mankind's intellect to invent and use resources entrusted to our keeping. Some may question the man-made invention of the atom bomb yet its use protected further blood letting in World War II. The threat or use of extreme force is a deterrent for any entity to dominate another. War against tyranny established the United States of America which in my opinion is the greatest country in the world. God has also given us the opportunity to disagree and challenge this opinion. For those less patriotic, do some international traveling if you don't believe "God shed his Grace on Thee."

This brings us to what the pro-gun or pro-hunting positions should be when it comes to a heartbeat. We have been enabled to protect ourselves and obtain food. We have become used to going to the market or a restaurant without looking into the eyes of what you're eating. To some people it may be repulsive to think about food as something that was living and breathing. Most hunters and fishermen have a reverence and respect to life by harvesting for consumption. Animals are a resource provided by God requiring our stewardship and responsibility. Call this a simplistic view, but if we are to survive, then this type of killing is really about living.

Joe Denton



It's time to set the record straight. This past week we've heard Sen. Obama blast the Bush administration and Sen. McCain for failed policies that caused the Wall Street woes. It did start with the housing market going under because of subprime loans which couldn't be paid off.

The subprime loans were the creation of the Clinton administration and the Democrats who passed this legislation in 1999 to make housing affordable to everyone.

This freed lending institutions of previous oversight. In 2005, Sen. McCain sponsored a bill to investigate these practices. It was defeated by Democrats. In 2003 President Bush proposed more regulations regarding Fanny Mae and Freddy Mack " also defeated by Democrats.

A charismatic liar with eloquent flowery speech is still a liar.

Dan Ballard



Just because she is a woman does not give her the qualifications that make a good vice-president or president. Just because she claims to be religious does not give her the qualifications that make a good vice-president or president " no different that supposedly religious Bush. She is against stem cell research " no different than Bush. She does not speak the truth " no different than Bush. Not highly educated (six colleges, no degree) " no different than Bush who went to college in body only, his alcohol mind was elsewhere and he would never had been admitted if his name wasn't Bush.

McCain wants to continue a war that was based on lies, that has taken too many lives and has put us in debt that we may never recover from. Our military is stretched to the point of us being ineffective elsewhere. He has flip-flopped on many issues, voted with Bush, and really doesn't understand Wall Street.

They have no platform for conservation, health care, the environment, the economy. This is not change. Thanks, but no thanks.

Eileen Cohen



In the letter from Jerry D. Sullivan titled Time for a Change published Sept. 17, 2008, I quit after counting some 15 wide ranging vitriolic misleading conclusions put forth with no or misleading supportive facts. Each conclusion could, in itself, justify an entire letter in response. Consequently, I am responding to what seems to be the central theme of the letter, Bush, McCain and the Republicans are to blame for everything.

Politicians, Republicans and Democrats alike, have all had ample opportunity to lessen or prevent our current problems and all have failed horribly.

From the 91st Congress to the 110th, now in session, the Democrats have held a majority of both houses 10 times, twice that of the Republicans. The Republicans held the White House during 28 years of these congresses, and the Democrats 12 years. The Democrats simultaneously held a majority of both houses and the White House approximately seven years the Republicans five years.

Our economy, including the housing industry, has historically demonstrated cyclical highs and lows. The more severe and longer the low the more people suffer. The larger the giant corporation or the group of large corporations the larger will be the impact of foolish or illegal management. The causes of our current problems, including dependence on foreign petroleum, have been known for years. Why has it taken until now for our leaders, both Republican and Democrat, to become concerned? Couldn't they see the problems coming?

It doesn't take a lot of intelligence to wait until a problem hits us in the face and then say, "Ah ha, our plan is to solve that problem." A true leader anticipates potential problems and prepares for them or better yet prevents them from occurring.

Congress controls revenues and expenditures not the President. During the last five years of President Clinton's administration the Republicans controlled both houses of Congress. It was during the last three years that there were budget surpluses. This was done by a Republican Congress with the approval of a Democratic President. These are not Bill Clinton's surpluses alone. Whatever credit is taken should perhaps be shared by both parties.

Social Security does pay current benefits from current taxes. The remainder is placed in what is call the OASI Trust Fund where it is invested in "special government securities" from the U. S. Treasury. The Treasury places the revenue that purchased these "securities" in the general fund and it is spent. This has been done for decades. With accrued interest the value "quoted" on these "securities" is in excess of $2.2 trillion that were paid into the system by past generations. Social Security cannot sell these "securities" they can only redeem them, if they do so the Treasury would have to get the monies from current revenue (taxes). The OASI Trust Fund is unfunded. Regardless of whether the current generation's benefits are paid from current taxes or the facade of redeeming Trust Fund "special securities", they will be, in any case, ultimately paid from the current generation's taxes. It is incredulous that J. D. Sullivan considers it as hilarious or batty when John McCain called it a disgrace.

Are our leaders going to stay true to form and wait until the Social Security system becomes insolvent before they address the problem? Democrats and Republicans have known about this for decades.

As to our current economic problems, John McCain has said the fault lies with the Bush Administration, the Republicans and the Democrats. At least he understands were the entire fault lies.

It would do the American people well if our leaders stopped pointing fingers, spewing scathing epithets and began telling us how they propose to solve our current problems and prevent future ones.

It might do both parties well to consider Mathew 7:5, "You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."

Finally, Jerry D. Sullivan metaphorically comparing John McCain to a pedophile baby-sitting your children goes way beyond the limits of good taste and common decency.

Ben Justus



I am sure glad that the McCain-Bush's plan to privatize Social Security didn't happen. I am retired and count on my Social Security for a large part of my income. What if my private retirement investments had been in AIG or Lehman Brothers...or Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, for that matter? I don't trust them with my money.

I also have serious serious doubts about candidate John McCain's ability to manage the U.S. economy.

For more than 25 years he has supported deregulation including deregulation for the Silverado Savings and Loans (the Keating Five debacle), and look where it's gotten us. Now he says he's for regulation. The cartoon in the Sept. 21 2008, Nevada Appeal kind of says it all. I can't be sure he won't change his mind again"after all, he says he's for "change."

Barack Obama will end the sweet deals on Wall Street and put regulation back where it belongs, protecting investments and pensions for the average American.

Speaking of average Americans, our middle class is getting squeezed more and more, and the rich are getting richer with their Bush tax breaks.

Obama will cut taxes for 95 percent of workers and give them a $1,000 tax break. Some low-income seniors would pay no taxes at all, while only people making more than $250,000 would see a rise in taxes.

McCain's only middle class tax cut would increase the dependent exemption, which for a family of two children offers only about $125 in relief the first year.

McCain's largest proposed tax breaks would go to the very wealthy once again. Obama will also end tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas, while McCain has voted to retain those tax breaks.

My money is safer, and my taxes will be lower, with Obama.

Graham Hollister Jr.



In response to Mr. Harry Snell's opinion that the Second Amendment is not an individual right.

No sir, it doesn't give gang members a right to own, possess or bear arms unless it is in a responsible and legal manner, we have laws for individuals who misuse their second amendment rights.

The individual right to keep and bear arms, as it is written in the U.S. Constitution, as it was interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court, to protect ourselves from tyranny.

To protect our personal freedoms. Maybe you would rather hope for instant police protection from the very gang members you claim are protected by the Second Amendment, and are going to have guns whether people like you prevent honest law abiding citizens from having them, that's right sir, take away my guns with idiotic laws, do you think gang bangers are going to pay attention to gun control laws?

I think not, while the police do a very important job, they can't be everywhere, they are first responders, not instant responders, I think I would rather be able to protect myself and family until they arrive, with, yep you guessed it, my gun.

Gun laws only take guns away from law abiding citizens, criminals will still get guns, criminals don't acquire guns legally in the first place.

That's why we have laws to put criminals who possess guns illegally in prison, sir. If you don't like guns, it's your right not to have any, but don't try to take mine away, it may prove difficult.

A vote for Obama is a vote for more idiotic gun laws we don't need.

Carl Grindstaff



The Kids' Fishing Derby 2008/2009 would like to thank the Sertoma Club for a great event at Heritage Park.

The Oktoberfest was visited by many from our community. This was the largest turn out for the Oktoberfest that I have attended. The German food was great.

Thank you Sertoma and we look forward to participating in this event again next year.

Pamela Rodrigues



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