River park plan may hold water

The latest proposal for river parks in Carson Valley seems to be a better fit than the one that was rejected three years ago by county commissioners.

That plan contained substantial improvements with a whitewater rapids park and swimming pond. Neighboring ranchers were concerned that park users would stray onto their property.

With a change in the state law since the 2005 debate, county parks officials say neighboring property owners are protected from liability by state law.

Whether liable or not, if ranchers don't want people on their property, it's their right to keep them off and we understand their concern.

A more passive use that allows people to enjoy the public property along the river without necessarily encroaching on neighboring property is a far better solution.

It allows the county to stretch its thin park maintenance dollars by not creating a large facility in need of constant attention.

A picnic area, a vault toilet, a drinking fountain and a trash bin are all anyone is looking for from the county in the way of a park.

A cool spot to enjoy an autumn day with the family. A place to watch the river rush by in the spring. These are the activities best suited to our portion of the Carson River.

We welcome the possibility of seeing the fences come down that block access on county property along the river now.


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