Honoring those who fight the fires

What was turning out to be a textbook example of high-country firefighting was marred by tragedy on Monday when an air tanker crashed in Stead.

While the tanker and its crew were heading to another fire in California when they crashed, that doesn't take away from the fact that they were a critical part of the effort to stop the fire in Hope Valley.

These are not the first firefighting deaths in an effort to protect life and property on the Sierra Front and unfortunately they probably won't be the last. Brave men and women who face the flames with picks and shovels, who work structure protection from a fire engine, or who fly in the tankers and helicopters all contribute to the effort to beat back a wind-whipped blaze.

Until 6 p.m. Monday that effort worked with only two minor injuries.

We honor these men and women whenever we do our part to prevent fires.

Every foot of defensible space we clear between our homes and the wildland, every effort we make to keep our own homes and property safe is a tribute to those in the fire services.


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