Spring arrives in the Valley

I got a phone call from one neighbor who said he opened his hen house door and saw a medium-sized garden snake. I got another phone call from a neighbor who said he saw five varieties of lizards on a rocky hill out Sunrise Pass Road. When I find out the details about the lizards, I'll write an article about it. It sounds interesting to me.

How about all the wildflowers blooming on the hills and open space? They are so beautiful. I think I appreciate spring because we miss so much color over the winter.

Our flowering plum and flowering pears trees have turned into just trees now. The apple trees are full of blossoms. Cross your fingers we don't get a hard freeze and we will have lots of fruit in the fall.

My grape vines are greening up but will surely be set back when the cold nights return. The tulips have just finished blooming in my yard and it looks like my irises will blossom soon. What a wonderful spring we have had so far.

I even went against my garden rule and planted some tomatoes. My father always says, "don't put summer veggies in the ground until the Carson Valley Days parade is over," but I like to test Mother Nature. This year I planted them in to pots so could move them to the garage in case we get a freeze. I justified the pots thinking I could get them outdoors sooner but also because if they are on my patio, the warmth of the sun on the cement should make the tomatoes produce sooner. Well, it sounded good. I'll see if it works and keep you posted.

Do you have more than the usual amount of weeds? I have thousands and thousands of tumbleweeds sprouting up all over my backyard. I got so frustrated I called Larry at Douglas County Weed Control. He sent two gentlemen out who in one hour's time sprayed my walkways, rock borders and driveway with a mixture of Surflan, Diuron, Roundup Pro and an activator. I hope that means it will get rid of these pesky tumbleweeds among other rotten weeds.

I have a question for any of you who would like to call me: What do your adult kids call home about that is unusual? I would like to write about it and my inspiration was last night.

Our 20-year-old son Taylor is on break from college and spending some time in San Diego because his girlfriend is there. Last night he called and asked, "Mom, I'm seven minutes from Tammy's house. Where should I take her to dinner?"

I explained I haven't lived in San Diego for 10 years I but gave him two recommendations. What funny things do your kids call home to mom about?

n Lisa Welch is a Johnson Lane resident and can be reached at 267-9350.


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