Soroptimists ask to help children of Ghana

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The Ghana Rural Library Project needs money to ship their current donation of books to Ghana and for the scholarship program. Also needed are books and used or new computers for the next libraries. Books at all levels are needed " children's books (ages 6 to 15) are preferred but also more advanced books, including trade books. Soroptimists of Carson Valley have set up four locations where money, books or computers to help with Ghana Rural Library Project may be donated: Artisans International, Historian Inn, Two Guys from Italy and World Gym. Drop-offs should be made by June 30 to ensure full shelves for the next library opening.

The library project was started by Joseph Boateng, a physician practicing at Carson Valley Medical Center, as a way to pay homage to his father who believed the only way to get children out of the cycle of poverty was through reading. The foundation provides incentive for the children to read by offering a competition for a yearly scholarship award of at least $500 per school. Information about the program at or at project headquarters: Ghana Rural Library Project, 2777 Paradise Road, Unit 904, Las Vegas, NV 89109.


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