A time for prayer

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To say there's a heavy cloud of pessimism hanging over our nation these days is an understatement and the pessimism is with good reason. Every day we are flooded with more dreary news. The cost of living is rising on one hand and many losing jobs and homes on the other, and even some of the nation's financial institutions are on shaky ground, it is no wonder there is so much apprehension and discouragement. All this is not to mention, the threat of war and conflicts, human atrocities and calamities around the world. What is even more sobering is the real possibility that some new international crisis or a significant natural disaster could push our country over the economic edge from which is could not recover.

Christians are taught in Scripture that troubles and distresses in this world are the norm rather than the exception. They are optimistic and positive even in difficult times. It is not merely philosophical or blind optimism but genuine hope in the promises of the Gospel. The substance of their faith and hope is this. We believe God is aware of all men's affairs large or small and that He is in control no matter the circumstance. We believe that God is good and rich in kindness and mercy. We believe that God loves and cares for us and for the world He has created.

Furthermore, the Bible has forewarned us of the troubles and trials that will inevitably attend existence in the present world because of human sin and disobedience. That is why we are looking and longing for the better heavenly country promised by redemption through the cross of Christ. Most importantly, we know that God has promised wisdom and strength in these times of trouble, provided we call on Him. Psalms 9:9-10 says, "The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee."

The Bible teaches that God allows and, sometimes even sends, troubles to the nations. He does this when men no longer acknowledge their need of God, when they cease to honor and worship God, and when they forget that God requires moral character in leadership and will not hesitate to punish corrupt nations and leaders.

Dear friends, seriously consider the possibility that God is calling our nation to return to its old roots, to make doing what is right a virtue and priority, and to re-establish the forgotten practice of personal worship and prayer. The Lord promises in Psalms 50:15 "Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me."

n Pastor Gene Holman of

Living Word Fellowship is a member of the Carson Valley Ministers' Association.


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