Effective July 1, California law now prohibits the use of handheld cell phones while driving in that state. The only way a cell phone may be legally used while driving is with a hands-free device. The fines will increase for every offense, so watch out and remember the law. With this law, California joins four other states in banning handheld phones while driving.
Fishing derby
The eighth annual How Big is Big? fishing derby on the West Walker River runs through July 31. All of our local merchants have donated some fantastic prizes to be awarded to the winners. You can win nights' lodging at motels, meal certificates, fishing tackle and many other really nice things. There is no entry fee for the derby, so get out on the river and try your luck. Just remember that all entries must be weighed and measured at the Walker General Store to be entered in the competition.
Safety on the 4th
The Mono County Sheriff's Department wants residents and visitors to remember that fireworks can be very dangerous to the user, observer and the environment. Be sure you check with the local fire department to determine if "safe and sane" fireworks are allowed in the area. Any other fireworks that are not considered safe and sane will be confiscated and the person in possession subject to a citation. Enjoy the holiday, but please be careful.
Walker emergency shelter trailer
The Mono County Emergency Shelter trailer for Walker-Coleville made its debut during the 2008 Spring Fling. Residents were very pleasantly surprised to see how the trailer is outfitted. We applaud the county board of supervisors for following through to have this available for our residents, and also many thanks to the Antelope Valley Lions Club, the local women's club and the Red Cross. The Lions Club will be adding shelves to the interior of the trailer, and the women's club will be sure it is stocked with beverages. A real bonus to our area is that we now have 13 Red Cross-trained shelter volunteers. That is awesome, and our thanks to them for caring to be involved.
Poker night
The Antelope Valley Survivors team in the Relay for Life is holding a poker night on Saturday, July 12, 7 to 9 p.m., at the Walker Community Center. This event is held to raise funds for the American Cancer Society's search for a cure. The cost will be a $20 donation to play poker, and the winner at each table will receive a prize. Your donation will also include beverages and snacks. For any additional information, call Tammy at (530) 495-2239 or Mariann at (530) 495-2819. It will be a lot of fun and a wonderful way to support the team in the search for a cure.
Development council meeting
The Resource Conservation and Development Council helps shape local ideas in order to apply for state and federal funding for projects that originate in the community. They would appreciate your thoughts on how to improve northern Mono County and encourage your attendance at their meeting July 16, 5:15 p.m., at the Walker Community Center. If you have any questions, you can e-mail woodworthswalker@yahoo.com.
n Lynne Katusich can be reached at lynnekat@schat.net or (530) 495-2552.
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