Dreaming of warmer pastures in the future

What an exciting view I have! Right across the road there's a large pasture with lots of beautiful longhorn cattle grazing in there. There are many different kinds and different colors of cows and right now there are 20 cows, one bull, and 15 calves. They belong to Fish Springs resident Waco McGill and his wife Carrie. Right now they expect about 17 more babies, even as we speak. Waco said the cows have had pretty easy calving and he's only had to help deliver one calf.

I see different kinds of cattle, and I like to watch the beautiful and dramatic longhorn Watusi from Africa. What do you think Waco plans to do with all these wonderful animals? He's going to rope them for rodeos. How exciting! There's still a lot of the Old West right here in our wonderful Fish Springs.

Is it time to relax?

I had a dream last night and it seemed so real. My mother and my father were talking directly to me, but my parents are long deceased now. In my dream my sister invited me to go stay with her for a few weeks in Palm Desert. Bonnie and her husband Ray live near a beautiful golf course and swimming pool. They have a real relaxed life down there and it's warm all the time. That would be a very comfortable vacation for me.

That's when I thought of my "Fish Springs Flier" columns. I've been writing them since Nov. 7, 1985. That's 24 years doing a weekly column and all during that time I've only missed a few days while I was in the hospital.

I awoke from my dream and I was thinking about how cold it's been here in Fish Springs and how much warmer it is in Palm Desert. I remember hearing my mother say, "Isn't it time to relax now?" I think it is. I'll try writing one column a month instead of once a week and we'll see how that works out. I've certainly enjoyed the opportunity to write about all the interesting people, including my own daughter, Lisa Welch, who writes the "Johnson Lane Journal," and all the exciting wildlife that live around this beautiful country. Sometimes dreams come true, don't they?

n Linda Monohan may be reached at 782-5802.


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