The R-C Morning Report

There's a lot of stuff going on this weekend, including the Elks Carnival, a pow-wow at the Minden Campus of Western Nevada College, Taste of the Towns and a ton of other things. Pick up a copy of today's R-C and check today's calendar and the People Section in the newspaper for some idea of what all's happening.

We're playing hard this weekend, but we're going to pay for it next week. Park Cattle enters the master plan amendment roller coaster on Tuesday at the Gardnerville Town Board 4:30 p.m. Tuesday. Town Board members have reserved two hours for the two items related to the Park proposal. Minden meets on the proposal 6 p.m. Wednesday.

I thought July would never leave, but now that's it gone, I sort of miss it. The weather today and through the weekend will be sunny with highs in the low 90s and lows in the 50s. We may get some thunderstorms the middle of next week.


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