Silver Strike Lanes without gaming license for 60 days

Silver Strike Lanes may be temporarily without a gaming license but the doors are still open.

Due to a payment mistake by one of the owners in Virginia, the quarterly flat gaming fee due 30 days after Jan. 3 was received 14 days late. Officials in the April 19 meeting of the Nevada Gaming Commission ruled to revoke Silver Strike's license for two months.

"It says in the law that you can't be even one day late," said Silver Strike manager Tim Ferguson. "They said, 'Sorry, there's no excuses, but we sympathize. We'll help you get it back as quickly as possible.'

"We've resubmitted the paperwork to get it going again."

Ferguson said he doesn't exactly know when, but Silver Strike may regain its gaming license before the usually required two months revocation period.

"It helps - the gaming is a good source of income but the bar, restaurant and bowling are still going," he said.

Silver Strike features lunch and dinner specials daily and bowling specials until 6 p.m.

"We're doing everything we can do to keep things running smoothly," Ferguson said.

Silver Strike Lanes is at Kimmerling Road and Tillman Lane in the Gardnerville Ranchos.


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