Just passing through

Last Monday, I got to meet and enjoy someone really interesting and different from the usual. Coming home from the store, I turned off the highway and saw a man walking, with two burros and a mule in a row. He was looking for the Walker Thrift Store, so I led him and his companions to it. You can imagine what a hit they were with the local residents, as well as the travelers who stopped at our community rest area. There were lots of pictures taken and good conversations. The man's name is Craig Kline, but he prefers to be called Cuervo. I asked where he was going. He said that he had come up from Mexico, through Arizona and Nevada, and was headed to Oregon. He and his burros, mule and two dogs travel 10 or so miles per day, camp at night, then hit the trail again. I really felt like I was in the middle of the Jeremiah Johnson movie when we were talking about his life. That afternoon, Mike and I went to his camp along the Walker River to give him some maps to help guide him around the busiest highway and city areas. His camp was very orderly, and the animals were quietly enjoying their time there. What an experience, and we wish him well on the rest of his journey.


This Saturday, local rancher and involved community member, Baldo Giorgi, will be married to a very lovely lady, Sandy Batge. Their wedding will take place in Bishop, where Sandy has been living. Our very best wishes to them both for much happiness.

Worth waiting for

At long last, there is progress in the effort to have a catholic church built in the Antelope Valley. It is still going to take some time, but the project has been approved by Mono County; now comes the refining of the building plans and getting land preparation done. The church will have a barbecue and rummage sale fundraiser in June, and they would appreciate any rummage sale items you have for donation. You can call Rose at (888) 495-1066 or John Nygard at (530) 495-9859. Checks for donations to their project can be mailed to Our Lady of the Valley Chapel, P.O. Box 200, Coleville, Calif. 96107.

This and that

The Antelope Valley has several active social, service and civic groups, all of whom would welcome your interest and possible involvement. Their names and meeting times are:

-- Antelope Valley Women's Club, first and third Tuesdays at 1 p.m., Walker Community Center

-- Regional Planning Advisory Committee, first Thursday at 7 p.m., Walker Community Center

-- Northern Mono Chamber of Commerce, second Monday at 6:30 p.m. at Marine Housing Community Center

-- Antelope Valley Senior Citizens Workshop Board, second Tuesday at 2:30 p.m., at Walker Thrift Store

-- Antelope Valley Fire Commission, second Wednesday, 6 p.m., Walker Fire Station

-- Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3567, second Thursday at 7 p.m., Walker Community Center

It didn't seem quite right that Sunday, the last day of spring break for the schools, dropped as large a snowfall on us as any we've seen in the past months. I'm sure that sometime I'll be used to that happening, but Sunday wasn't the time.

-- Lynne Katusich can be reached at lynnekat@schat.net or (530) 495-2552.


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