Topaz Post VFW signs taken

Members of the Topaz Post 3630 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars are hoping that whoever took the signs they use to promote their events will return them.

"Why?" asked Daryl Mobley. "Those who stole the Veterans of Foreign Wars signs apparently have no respect. Those signs cost money and are used to promote the garage sale and the spaghetti feed."

One sign was taken from Albite Road near Highway 208 and the other was taken from Albite and Topaz Ranch Road.

The smaller sign was 4 feet square, the other was 4-feet by 8-feet. One had a metal frame and the other was made out of wood.

The signs disappeared after the big garage sale the weekend of Sept. 16 and 17.

Both signs were hand-painted and had information about the organization's big rummage sale that weekend.

Mobley said he has been checking with employees of the Topaz Ranch Estates General Improvement District to see if they had seen anything.

"We had permission to put the signs there," he said of their locations.

Mobley encouraged whoever is in possession of the signs to return them to the Topaz Ranch Estates Garage and no questions would be asked.

"They can't use them for anything else," he said.


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