Secretary of State - Janinie Hansen

Party: Independent American

Place of residence: Elko. Born and raised in Sparks and lived there until 2005.

Occupation: owner of public relations business and State President Nevada Families/Eagle Forum

Age: 54

Contact information: (775)397-6859,

Fax (775)753-9118

186 Ryndon Unit 12, Elko, Nevada 89801

Incumbency: A candidate for office

Education: I am an honor graduate from Sparks High School in 1970. I attended the University of Nevada, Reno and graduated magna cum laude from Brigham Young University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Child Development and Family Relations in 1976.

Record of service: I have dedicated my life to working with the local, state and federal government to protect our liberties. I've worked as a citizen lobbyist at the Nevada State Legislature every session since 1971. In 2000, I was the Petition Chairman overseeing 16 counties to Protect Marriage. In 2004, I was the Axe the TAX Petition Chairman covering 16 counties.


National Eagle Award from Eagle Forum

Elected as national Treasurer and Western States Chairman of the Constitution Party.

National Committeewoman of the Independent American Party.


In Nevada, the Secretary of State is the guardian of our ballot boxes, our sacred right to vote, and more importantly the right of political free speech. I am running for Secretary of State because I want to safeguard these crucial liberties.

Many citizens have lost confidence in our voting system. They feel that their vote does not count. We have ballots printed in Spanish facilitating voting by illegal aliens. State ballots should only be printed in English to help guard us from voter fraud. We must insure that only American citizens vote in our elections. I was successful in lobbying the Legislature to prevent illegal aliens from getting drivers licenses, which are used as ID to register to vote.

We have electronic voting systems subject to possible manipulation and ballot fraud. We should institute a count of the paper ballots for 2 percent of the precincts like Arizona has done to check the accuracy electronic voting machines.

Free speech is hampered by Nevada's election laws, which are nothing more than incumbent protection laws--discouraging involvement, increasing the cost of elections, and making it more difficult to challenge the political monopoly. Offending laws should be repealed.

In 2003, at the Legislature I opposed the large fee increases the Secretary of State charges businesses.

We must remain competitive if business is to flourish in Nevada creating new jobs. These increases should be repealed. Nevada is the only state, which does not share corporate information with the IRS. Let's keep it that way.


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