Swimming Pool - Bernie Benz

Place of residence: Gardnerville

Occupation: Retired engineer, BSME, MSEE, MBA.

Age: 77

Contact information:



Incumbency: East Fork Swimming Pool District trustee 2001 through 2004

Education: Masters business administration, bachelor of science mechanical engineering, masters of science in electrical engineering.

Record of service: As a technical consultant to the director and board, he was instrumental in the design of the upgrade, as well as other installed mechanical, heating and lighting system upgrades.


As an avid pool user and supporter for the past 10 years, he is committed to the District's offering of swimming programs for all and the facilities to meet the needs of a growing District population at minimum expense to the taxpayer.

His vision is to maintain the aging facility as the best, state of the art pool complex in Northern Nevada in the most cost effective manner.


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