First Show and Shine at TRE is this weekend

The monthly meeting of the Topaz Ranch Estates General Improvement District was well attended Wednesday as over 30 residents including GID board members and Douglas County Parks and Recreation board members came together to discuss many issues of public interest.

At the top of the agenda was an increase in the disconnect/reconnect fee, doubling from its present $25 to $50. Expressing great concern, operations manager Matt Torley requested a compassion clause be included in the water regulations.

"I would hate to think we have lost our personal touch," Torley said. "Why hurt those who are already having a problem, making it even harder for them to catch up?"

As explained by GID chairman Lee Van Burnt, the reconnect fee would be in place as a deterrent for non-payment for water usage. It was also a requirement that needed to be put in place under the conditions of one of the grants received for TREGID water improvements.

A motion was made to accept the rate increase and accepted 4-1 with Torley being the negative vote.

Discussion was also heard on a change in the water rates. The GID wants to convert the present price structure to the Consumer Price Index so as to keep the water rates consistent with the cost of operation and cost of living increases for the TRE Water Company. This would moderate the cost for services in gradual increments as cost of living increases fluctuate.

In other TRE news, Ole Chavez reported on the road conditions and progress of repairs, 97 percent of the potholes have been repaired with some to repair again. The heavy shoulder and ditch cleanup is continuing and skin patches are being done, weather permitting. Approximately 2.4 miles of dirt road has been graded as well as various ditches and flow lines cleaned and the culverts repaired.

"The road department is still doing fine under all the circumstances we've been working under," Chavez said. "We were able to proceed with our "Project Fogseal" this past week. It was a great success and a great improvement to our roads," he said. "I would like to thank all involved with this project and also the residents for treading lightly afterwards."

n In other news, the Sagehens will be having their annual potluck luncheon and installation of officers beginning at noon Sept. 20 at the Topaz Ranch Estates Community Park building at the end of Carter Way in TRE. The incoming officers for the 2006-07 year will be Janice Roberts, president; Sandy Offenstein, vice-president; Janet Bryant, secretary; Barb Bagley as treasurer and the historian will be LaVeryn Jory. Congratulations ladies.

n Plans are also in the works for the Sagehen's annual Fall Boutique which will also take place at the TRE Community Park building from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 4. Table space will be $25 per table and there will be a big "Your Choice" raffle, and the selection of "Queen for a Day." This event in a major fundraiser for the organization with the money going towards the worth-while causes the Sagehens support.

n This is the weekend for the first Show and Shine co-sponsored by Topaz Lodge and Casino and the Valley Cruisers, beginning at 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m. this Saturday, the event is open to vehicles 1928 to 1972. Entertainment provided by the D.J. "Time Warp," there will be raffle prizes, great food, a bounce house for the kids. Plan to bring the whole family to this fun event. Information,, 266-3338.

n is time for Monday Night Football at Topaz Lodge and Casino. Join in the fun with friends in front of the big-screen TV. Enjoy their famous prime rib sandwiches, jumbo hot dogs, nachos and $1 draft beer while rooting for your favorite players. Chances to win up to $500 during special drawings and play "Quarter-Back-Toss" and win up to $200. Stop at the Club Topaz information booth near the front entrance for more information on how to win big during the Monday night fun at the lodge. More information or call 266-3338.

n Time to go bargain hunting at the annual fundraising rummage sale sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 3630 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and 8 a.m.-2 p.m. at the TRE Park Building at the end of Carter Way, Topaz Ranch Estates. Donations accepted through today. Information, Pal Tucker 266-3756, Daryl Mobley 266-3636 or Paul Longnecker 266-9300.

Until next week ... keep on, keepin' on.

n Jonni Hill can be reached through The Record-Courier at or by calling 782-5121, ext. 213, or after hours at


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