Hair ball poor kindling to set car on fire

The Douglas County Sheriff's Office is investigating a report that someone tried to set a hair ball on fire from the hood of a car.

The incident took place Nov. 10 in the 800 block of Amador Circle.

A homeowner said he found a scorched hair ball stuffed with matches on his wife's car.

He said the hair ball measured 7 inches across, 5 inches wide and 3 inches deep.

The hair ball was made of clippings and it wasn't immediately determined whether they were human or animal.

n A Wal-Mart cashier was jailed Nov. 11 on suspicion that she was ringing up purchases at a fraction of cost for her husband and a friend.

Guadalupe Torres, 38, was jailed on $50,000 bail charged with theft. She is to appear in East Fork Justice Court today.

According to store personnel who caught Torres on tape, she would ring up the goods at much less their actual value. They claimed the thefts began in July. The day Torres was arrested, she reportedly scanned in $241.90 worth of items for which she charged her husband $17.

Many of the purchases were made with gift cards.

n A 33-year-old Carson City man was charged with commercial burglary for reportedly attempting to take items worth $1,211 from Wal-Mart without paying.

A store security guard watched the suspect, identified as Trent Edward Doolittle, select several Playstation 2 video games and hide them in his pants. He also took a 19-inch LCD computer monitor, Seal-A-Meal, label machine, speakers, fishing line, a sweatshirt and a plaid shirt.

According to deputies, he arrived at the store with a roll of stickers used by Wal-Mart to mark purchases customers wish to return or personal belongings. He allegedly affixed the stickers to the items which he placed in Wal-Mart bags, according to the report.

During a search of the suspect, deputies found two razors that had been removed from their wrapping. Deputies also found 31 jars of fish bait inside the Seal-A-Meal box.


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