I feel like a fireman

This is the time of year that I feel like a fireman. I get anxious to go out and get ready to set my pile on fire. I get out my pruning sheers, my hand saw and a cordless Saws-all. I sharpen each blade and charge the batteries for the Saws-all. I dress in blue jeans, a long sleeve work shirt to protect my arms, hiking boots, my favorite pair of heavy duty work gloves. I pin my hair up (I'd hate it to catch on fire), I wear safety glasses and a dust mask. I turn on the hose to make sure I have water (you read about my frozen hose last week). I carry a shovel, a hoe and a rake out to the burn pile with me along with my trimming tools. Last spring my husband and I didn't get around to burning, so this year I have lots of extra stuff to keep refilling my pile as it burns down.

I'm ready, I think. My trimmings are very dry. Fall is a great time to prune back my trees, shrubs, grape vines, raspberries and to dead head all my perennials. Wait a minute, I forgot the most important thing, I forgot to call in to East Fork Fire District and let them know I am planning to burn. I call 782-9969, the line isn't busy, how cool is that? I give them my name, address and telephone number. OK, now I am ready to head to the back of the property. I have a 4-foot horse wire fence around my pile to keep the tumbleweeds from blowing out. One time I was burning a pile in the orchard and as I added a huge tumbleweed on the pile, it caught on fire and a big wind suddenly came up and blew the tumbleweed off the pile and over to the fence. Yes, I was happy to have my rake to grab it and put it back on the pile.

Boy did my pile catch on fire fast. It was so dry. This is definitely when I feel like a real fireman and also when I reaffirm how much respect I have for firemen. The wind changes directions, the smoke blows in my face. I can hardly escape it, it's hot. My eyes are burning from the smoke. This is a rotten job. I can't believe my parents were firemen for more than 20 years as volunteers. I wouldn't want to have this as a career, even if I were paid. Thank you to all you fireman for the terrific job you do for us. If I were the boss, I'd triple all of your salaries. And as for all the volunteers, I have the utmost respect and admiration for you devotion. You are spectacular.

n Lisa Welch is a Johnson Lane resident and can be reached at 267-9350.


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