Volunteers keep fire department running

Greg Marenco is one of the founding members of our Ruhenstroth Volunteer Fire Department.

"After the fire at Len Lake's home in 1986, I attended the meetings and it sounded like something I'd like to do," Marenco said. "I was CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) instructor, providing Red Cross certification, for members of the department and an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) for 16 years. After being assistant chief for 15 years, I recently stepped down to captain in order to pursue other positions in a support capacity in the department."

His most memorable response was, "to a call from a young mom with an infant with febrile seizures (usually a temporary condition caused by a high fever)."

"The mom was very upset and I was able to calm her down. It was a great feeling to be able to help her," he said.

While this is the first fire department Marenco has been involved in, he has volunteered his services in other areas many times over the years - little league and soccer coach when his sons were younger and currently as a member of the Heavenly Ski Patrol, affording him the opportunity to spend a lot of time on the slopes.

"Each resort has their own ski patrol so that they are readily available if the need arises," Marenco said. Monday through Friday you can find him at the General Electric plant, formerly Bently of Nevada, where he has more than 28 years with the company.

Marenco met his wife, Maureen, a teacher at Minden Elementary School, while serving with the Air Force in England. While on summer break from her studies at the University of Nevada, Reno, Maureen was visiting her dad who was also stationed with Marenco in England. After he completed his four-year tour, he came to Nevada where they married and settled in Douglas County.

"This is a great place to raise a family. We have twin sons, Brett and Rory, who recently graduated from college as mechanical engineers," Marenco said. "They are working together on the Alaska Pipeline just outside of Fairbanks, Alaska, and loving it. It has recently warmed up to 20-below, so they are able to take advantage of some skiing in their time off."

Skiing is a family affair in the Marenco household. When the weather warms up and the ski resorts close, they enjoy hiking and camping and all the outdoor activities that this area is famous for.

"I also do a little bird hunting mostly for chukkar because with the growth in the state, it has become more difficult to get a tag, issued by the state and allowing you to hunt deer. The State of Nevada really does a good job in managing their herds (the size of the herds determine the number of tags available each year so not everyone that applies will receive one)," Marenco explained.

When talking about his concerns for our valley, Marenco said, "traffic is becoming an issue. While not totally for the SGI (slow growth initiative), I would like to see it (the growth) managed and probably wouldn't be a bad idea to take a closer look at completing a bypass for the towns."

Marenco has a message to our neighbors here in Ruhenstroth. He would like to see more people volunteering in the department.

"A few of the members have children in the department but they will eventually be moving on with their lives and it would be nice to have more people step up to help," Marenco said.

So why not check out the Web site for East Fork Fire District at www.effpd.co.douglas.nv.us. You will find valuable information on the training classes as well as being able to review the membership process. The only requirement is the desire to give back to your local "family." Remember, that while monetary donations are appreciated, the gift of time goes a lot further and the rewards you receive are immeasurable.

Have a Ramblin' Good Week!

n To contact Gail Davis e-mail hilltopranch97@charter.net or call 265-1947.


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