'The Curse' returns

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The Douglas County Historical Society is bringing back "The Curse."

"The Curse of the Hanging Tree" is a play based on an actual event that took place in Douglas County over 100 years ago. The improvisational fundraiser for the society, last believed to be performed in Genoa in 1997, is returning on July 14 and 15.

The four-act comedy melodrama begins at the Genoa Town Hall with an orientation that will give those attending a brief history of the lynching of Adam Uber.

The actual killing of Hans Anderson by Adam Uber took place in a saloon in Millerville. Millerville was located between the towns of Gardnerville and Minden. For the purpose of the play, the bar at the Genoa Town Hall becomes the Millerville Saloon. Those attending the play can belly up to the bar and purchase beer, wine, water and soda from the bartender before Act I begins.

n Act I The Shooting of Hans Anderson by Adam Uber

Setting: Millerville Saloon (Genoa Town Hall)

Adam Uber allegedly shot and killed Hans Anderson, a local teamster, in a barroom brawl. Of course there are eye witnesses including Anderson's brother, the bartender, Snowshoe Thompson, who is making a late mail delivery and Flossie the Floozy.

n Act II The Funeral of Hans Anderson

Setting: Genoa Community Church

Ticket holders will attend the funeral service for Hans Anderson. Anderson's funeral was actually held at the Methodist Episcopal Church in Genoa, Rev. George Greenfield officiated. The church was located a short distance from where the present church is located. The funeral is one you are not likely to forget.

n Act III Preliminary hearing of Uber

Setting: Genoa Courthouse Museum

Ticket holders will visit the actual cell where Uber was held prisoner over 100 years ago. You will then attend and participate in the preliminary hearing in the upstairs courtroom. Where Judge Mack will preside over the proceedings and try to keep some control of the courtroom.

District Attorney Nagel will do his best to prove there is enough evidence to hold Uber for first-degree murder. Famous Nevada attorney Alfred Chartz, himself a convicted and pardoned murderer, will present evidence that Uber acted in self defense. You ask how can a convicted murder become a respected lawyer - remember this is Nevada.

n Act IV The lynching of Uber

Setting: The Hanging Tree

A mob of local citizens drag Uber from his cell and hang and shoot him right before your eyes. You hear the curse that Uber leveled on the mob and their descendents for the next seven generations.

The stars of the play are members of the community that take time from their busy schedules to help the historical society raise much needed funds that supports the operation of both museums. Many of the actors are former or current elected officials and others are hopeful political candidates.

"The Curse of the Hanging Tree," - murder, lynching and a curse, what more could you ask for in a melodrama - performances are 6:30 and 7:15 p.m. July 14 and 6 p.m., 6:45 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. July 15. Tickets are $15 per person. For information, call Laurie Hickey at 782-2892.


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