Something needs to be done

Due to a fatal accident that occurred about 2 p.m. last Friday at the intersection of Albite Road and Highway 208, a petition is being circulated in Topaz Ranch Estates, requesting that turn lanes be created at all of the major intersections, (Pearl, Topaz Ranch Rd, Albite), for vehicles to exit Highway 208. The stretch of highway from the Holbrook Junction to Jack Wright Pass, although straight with miles of visibility, has been very dangerous. Motorists travel it too fast, they fail to pay attention to vehicles making turns onto side streets to enter TRE.

Last Friday, 90-year-old Darrell Daugherty was returning from south Carson City where he had done some grocery shopping at Albertson's. As he went to make the turn onto Albite to go to his residence on Sandstone Road, he was rear ended by another vehicle, killing him instantly. Mr. Daugherty was a 34-year resident of Douglas County and for a few years following his retirement he was chef at Meadowcliff Lodge in Coleville, Calif.

This last accident prompted Ole Chavez, head of maintenance and road repair for the TRE General Improvement District, to start a petition with a caption at the top of the first page that states "Enough is Enough." TRE is growing, there is more and more traffic, even on our side streets. How many more people will have to be involved in a serious injury accident or an accident resulting in death, as was the case with Mr. Daugherty, before the "powers to be" will see the need for turn lanes into the residential area. The sorriest part of the situation is all this could have been achieved with minimal taxpayer money last summer when Highway 208 was under construction, to repave the highway, with the reconstruction completed far beyond Jack Wright Pass at the eastern edge of Antelope Valley.

There have been several fatal accidents on Highway 208 in the past three years since I have been a TRE resident. Some have been single vehicle accidents and some have involved other vehicles, impacting may lives. Several crosses mark the spots along the roadside where TRE touches Highway 208. Longtime residents remember the incidents, vaguely remember the names and the details, but the memorials along the road side remain to remind us that the straight narrow ribbon of asphalt dividing the community of TRE from the "Sleeping Elephant Ranch" across the highway is a very dangerous stretch of highway and should be respected as such.

The petition is on the grocery counter of the Nevada Trading Company/Topaz Joe's. Make sure to add your signature to the growing list of residents who have already signed their name to express their concern.

As a last reminder, don't forget about the TRE cleanup day. Meet down at TRE Community Park Building at 7 a.m. if you want to volunteer for the cleanup crew and remember there will be dumpsters available for disposal of personal cleanup projects around the home.

Saturday is also the day for Topaz Ranch Estates residents to plan on a fun time at the TRE Community Park Building from 2 to 8 p.m. for the annual Station 4 TRE Volunteer Fire Department fundraising barbecue and dance. Entertainment will be provided by the Motifs who donate their time to this event every year. There will be games for the kids in the park, a raffle and excellent food and drink. The event was moved to the TRE Community Park Building because the station house, undergoing a huge renovation, is not due for completion until mid-July according to Captain/Paramedic Norvell, one of the full-time fire personnel on duty at the station.

Go to Joe's, sign the petition, support the community with the two up-coming events and until next week, keep on keepin' on.

n Jonni Hill can be reached through The Record-Courier at or by calling 782-5121, ext. 213, or after hours at


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