Library gets children's computer

It's that time again

As we have heard lately, there have been more than 15 fires of substantial size just over the state line in Northern Nevada. Unfortunately, we can look ahead and worry about similar fires in our area, both lightning-caused and man-made. Fortunately, our first of the season was contained with no structure damage, attended by firefighters from BLM, our local fire dept., and the Marines. Please let this serve as a reminder to all of us to clear our property and form defensible space as state law requires, to prevent such fires from becoming disasters here. It may take a little work, but the result is worth it. The Antelope Valley Fire Safe Council is available to give any advice or information you might need. You can call Jeff at 495-2731 or Lynne at 495-2552.

Valley talent abounds

We have so many wonderful artists in our area, several of whom have been recognized on a larger stage. Recently, one of our own, Margo Petterson, was honored at the Western States Horse Expo art competition as the Best of Show with her painting of Mary Hussman's horses, titled "Wild at Heart." The artists competing come from all over the West, so it was a very nice honor for Margo.

All systems go for library

Last week, the new children's computer was installed at the Coleville Library. Obtained through a grant from IBM, it is quite impressive. If you have children from pre-school age to 7 or 8, be sure to get them to the Library to take advantage of the educational programs it contains.

Valley Regional Planning Advisory Committee

RPAC will hold their regular meeting tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the Community Center. It's always a worthwhile learning experience to attend. Among items on their agenda, they will be discussing the final details for the Community Help Day at Mt. Gate Park on Saturday. They hope you will come and help them restore the park to its former beauty.

Fire commission

The Antelope Valley Fire Commission's regular meeting is Wednesday, July 12 at 6 p.m. at the Walker fire station. As always, the public is encouraged to become involved, with any questions you may have, or just to be there to hear what's happening or planned.

Park project

Our Community Help Day is Saturday from 8 a.m. on at the park 1 mile south of Walker. Please come and lend a hand, enjoy the company and our barbecue lunch. Just bring gloves, a chair, and soft drinks, if you want them; water will be provided.

This and That

n The Fourth of July events in Bridgeport started off rolling and just kept on going. There was a good turnout for them, as of our column's deadline. Hope everyone enjoyed all that was there.

n The Antelope Valley Artists will be having a Fine Arts and Craft Show on Nov. 12 at the Senior Center, with a panel judging the works presented. If you are artistic, you have time to work on an entry. More information will come as the time gets

n Now that the big weekend has passed, we can all take a moment to catch our breath and get ready for coming events.

n Lynne Katusich can be reached at or (530) 495-2552.


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