20 to 30-year-old community-minded women can join international club

The Sierra Nevada Active 20-30 Club invites young women, ages 20-39, to attend a social mixer and membership night at The Bank Parlor and Pub, 1596 Esmeralda Ave., Minden from 5:30-7 p.m on Thursday.

The membership night will feature an overview presentation to discuss the club's mission and sample activities, a question and answer session and networking time. Appetizers and refreshments will be served.

Active 20-30 has two chapters in Carson Valley: Sierra Nevada No. 730 women's club and Carson Valley No. 85 men's club. Both are dedicated to serving the children in Douglas County.

Sierra Nevada Active 20-30 Club, a part of Active 20-30 USA and Canada, Active 20-30 International and the World Council of Service Organizations (WOCO), provides young adults with an opportunity for personal growth, friendships and leadership development while improving the quality of life for the special needs children in their communities. The organization operates according to the club motto, "One never stands so tall as when kneeling to help a child." There are clubs in nine countries around the world.

For questions or additional information about the membership night and social mixer, contact Jacquie Manoukian, membership chair at 691-3982 or jacquie2030@hotmail.com

Visit the club Web site at www.sierranv2030.org


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