Honoring the big 9-0

Seventy-eight members of the Douglas County Senior Center are age 90 or older.

Twenty-five of them were honored at the 90-plus birthday party at the center on Wednesday.

"Boy these Gardnerville residents are living a long time," said Douglas County Commission Chairman Jim Baushke, the emcee at the event.

Community Services Director Scott Morgan presented each of those honored with a carnation and a certificate. With each presentation, Bauschke told information about the birthday honorees, including what they like best about being 90.

"I still feel like a young man ready to set the world on fire," said Baushke quoting George Silk.

Another man, Edward Moradian, made it clear he still has ambitions.

"He wants to become a professional boxer," said Baushke of Moradian.

Baushke talked about what professions each of them held when they were younger. Willie Briam, a 40-year Carson Valley resident, owned a mortuary and was a barber. Oscar Reese, a 21-year resident, was a cattle rancher from Turlock, Calif.

Lucille Slattery worked at Warren-Reed Insurance for a time. She said she always wanted to learn to tap dance.

Baushke quoted Slattery: "I'm still here and enjoying people and life."

Don Jardine, chairman of the Alpine County Board of Supervisors, said his 91-year-old mother-in-law Gwen Mginley was being honored.

"She was born upstairs in the Alpine Hotel," said Jardine.

Hubert Bruns and Elwood Davis, both 90-plus from Alpine County, couldn't make it because of the weather, according to Sherry Dennis of Alpine County Health and Human Services.

The senior center's senior services supervisor Warren Bottino said several people couldn't make it because of the snow storm.

Mary Hall, who will be 91 in May, said she has lived in the Valley for 36 years but didn't start attending the senior center until her husband of 47 years died 22 years ago. Now she enjoys reading, playing cards and occasional visits to the poker machines.

"I can do what I want to when I want to and nobody bothers me," said Hall, who was sporting a kelly green sweater for the event.

Harriet Cox, at 103, was honored as the eldest of the group. Cox moved to Carson Valley five years ago, but grew up in Escalon, Calif.

Born Jan. 1, 1903, Cox was mainly a housewife throughout her adult years. Because she can't hear well, her daughter Marjorie Hofmann spoke for her.

"She tells a lot of stories about the horse and buggy days," said Hofmann, who had two of her granddaughters in tow. "She was raised on a farm and she keeps talking about her farm."

"She pretty much does everything herself," said Hofmann. "She goes upstairs by herself, takes her bath and is taking no medications."

"She loves to dance."

n Jo Rafferty can be reached at jrafferty@recordcourier.com or 782-5121, ext. 210.


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