The key to life is follow God's path

The gospel narratives are filled with wonderful stories of the life of Jesus. Within those stories are lessons we can learn as we live by faith. One great story is from the Gospel of John where Peter is reinstated after he denied the Lord.

Peter and the disciples were fishing on Galilee when Jesus calls to them from shore and tells them they are fishing from the wrong side of their boat. Could you imagine what they thought? How crazy, to cast the net on the other side and catch fish. Nonetheless they did just that and caught so many fish the nets almost broke.

When the Apostle John says "it's the Lord," Peter jumps out of the boat and goes to shore where Jesus has prepared some fish. Then Jesus takes Peter for a walk to be restored and charged with his future ministry.

John 21:15: "Jesus said to Simon Peter, 'Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?' 'Yes, Lord,' he said, 'you know that I love you.' Jesus said, 'Feed my lambs.'"

Three times Jesus asks Peter if he loves him, three times Peter gives a half-hearted answer. Three times Jesus gives Peter the command to "feed the sheep." All during this intimate conversation there is John following behind - so Peter asks; "What about him?" From Jesus' response we can all learn about living a life of faith.

John 21:22: "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me."

"Peter, I have plans for him and for you, you must follow me yourself."

How often are people of faith worried about others when they should be focused on their own walk with God?

Jesus' words must have resonated to Peter because he goes on to do great things for the Christian faith. Some 40 days later, it is Peter who stands up and gives the first sermon for the church, and over 3,000 people place their trust in Jesus Christ.

Who are you worried about? Are you bothered by what someone else is doing or not doing? Are you looking to what your husband doesn't do or what your wife does all while your own walk with God is not what it should be? Take Jesus' words to heart. What is it to you if God has a plan for them that is different from what he has for you? Be faithful to what God has called you to do - to live by faith, to obey his word, to trust him within the plan he has for you as an individual.

If you have yet put your hope in God, consider Jesus and what the scriptures teach about faith in Him. Give God your life, give Jesus your heart, come to God's grace by faith in Christ.


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