Gardnerville business group dissolves

The Gardnerville Business Association dissolved Thursday for lack of involvement.

The official membership dwindled to three people so they closed their account and dispersed the funds to the Town of Gardnerville and the Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center.

"At every fundraiser we needed help and input, but nobody came up to help," said Country Carousel owner Sandy Anderson. "We tried to get our membership up but no one volunteered to do anything."

Of the $2,600 left in the association's account, $2,000 went to the Town of Gardnerville and $600 will go to the Gardnerville museum through Historical Society President Grace Bower.

"We gave the money out and we'll go from there," said Anderson. "It's a good way to show our appreciation to Grace. She shows up to everything. She helped when we were selling bricks for the town and sold raffle tickets at the hoe-down.

"I couldn't think of a better person to give it to."

The business group started several years ago when someone at a Gardnerville town meeting asked why Minden had Christmas decorations and Gardnerville didn't.

"I opened my mouth and stuck my foot in it," said Anderson about volunteering to get decorations for the holidays.

By selling raffle tickets, holding hoe-downs and barbecues, the business group raised $19,000 for the decorations and lights that go up in Gardnerville at Christmas.

They sold bricks to make improvements in Heritage Park and pay for benches. Anderson said she still has some crocks and pitchers left from the town's 125th anniversary celebration. The money made from sales will go to the town of Gardnerville.

The association got support from many Gardnerville business owners but the core group of organizers declined in number.

"We started out with five members and got down to just three people - Jeannie Johnson from the Historian Inn, Marie Lekumberry from JT's and myself," Anderson said.

"The money we raised wasn't for road improvements. It was for things in the park, fixing up the street with decorations. We did what we set out to do."


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