photos by Chad Lundquist/Nevada Appeal Becca Kitchen (as Amy), practices her part along with Kristin Charles (Jo) and Kaitlynn Cooper (Marmee) in the dress rehearsal Monday.
Louisa Mae Alcott's "Little Women" has enjoyed a long life (published in 1869, and made into a film most recently in 1994), as millions have followed the Christmas holiday story of the March family post-Civil War. Father is away so Mother, Marmee, has to handle any crisis with her four daughters.
That's the plot in a sentence. This version, "Christmas With Little Women," will be presented by the Carson Performing Arts and the Brewery Arts Center in BAC's Donald W. Reynolds Theatre.
There's more than just the book in this play. Director Karen Chandler noted her high school class "was female heavy," and selected the play version of the book and combined it with the Charles Dickens story "Gabriel & Death."
The show has been double cast (see related story) so you may want to match your date with the cast. Don't worry; both are fine.
At final rehearsals. Chandler, who teaches theater at Carson High, was busy snapping photos of the cast, to be displayed during performances onstage.
"Helps keep us straight about who's on," said Chandler.
She broke off to yell at an actress who was wearing jeans under her floor-length skirt. "And one of the girls decided to dye her hair just this week," she said with a pained sigh.
"I picked 'Little Women' because it is by a famous author and has a nice Christmas message about the values of giving, rather than receiving. The March family is poor, but they don't hesitate to give what they have to others."
Marmee is played by Britanny Waltz and Kaitlynn Cooper. The daughters - Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy ... well, see the cast list.
There are lots of Christmas shows out there, and if you've had all the "Nutcracker" you can digest, "Christmas With Little Women" is a very satisfying night for the whole family.
This is a benefit for the Carson Performing Arts and the Brewery. Tickets are $8 general admission, $7 for students and seniors, $6 for kids, with group and family rates as well. Call 883-1976.
Performances are at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Dec. 9 and Saturday, and Dec. 10-11 at 1:30 p.m.
If You Go
What: "Christmas With Little Women," presented by the Carson Performing Arts and the Brewery Arts Center
When: 7:30 p.m. Friday and Dec. 9 and 1:30 p.m. Saturday and Dec. 10-11
Where: Donald W. Reynolds Theatre in the Brewery Arts Center, 449 W. King St.
Cost: Tickets are $8 general admission, $7 for students and seniors, $6 for kids, group and family rates as well. Call 883-1976.
Who's on stage
The cast of the play "Christmas with Little Women" is divided up among the different show times. Below is a list of the character, the cast member and the date that performer will play the corresponding role.
Meg: Ashley Puett 12/2, 6, 10 and Krista Hyatt 12/3, 9, 11
Jo: Kristin Charles 12/2, 3, 10 and Sarah Ferguson 12/6, 9,11
Amy: Olivia Lesperance 12/2, 6, 20 and Becca Kitchen 12/3, 9, 11
Beth: Tiffani Barber 12/2, 3, 10 and Jennifer Bowers 12/6, 9, 11
Marmee: Brittany Waltz, 12/2, 6, 10 and Kaitlynn Cooper 12/3, 9, 11
Hannah: Meaghan Morawski 12/2, 6, 10 and Amanda Howard 12/3, 9, 11
Aunt March: Jenny Nuebel 12/2, 6, 10 and Andrea Wagner 12/3, 9, 11
Jane: Megan Withey 12/2, 6, 10 and Stevie Weick, 12/3, 9, 11
Mary: Sammy Cranston 12/2, 3, 10 and Courtney Judd 12/6, 98, 11
Laurie: Dave McComb 12/2, 3, 10 and Joe Beauchamp 12/6, 9, 11
John: Miken Schachten 12/2, 3, 10 and Justin Keller 12/6 9, 11
"Gabriel and Death"
Woman: Heather Crates
Death/Curate: Mitchell Grover 12/2, 3, 6 and Logan Merriweather 12/9, 10, 11
Gabriel/Boy: Roy Rodriguez 12/2, 6, 10 and Justin Kaylor 12/3, 9, 11