Three chances to get involved in Carson City

It's going to be a busy day for city government today, which means you'll have three chances as a resident to have a say in the future of Carson City.

We've already urged people to participate in Envision Carson City, part of the process of forming a master plan for the community. At this point, it's a means of creating a general outline to guide city supervisors on how they should shape growth in the city.

That session is scheduled for 4 p.m. at City Hall. People will be able to look at three possible scenarios and give their comments on which they think is most suitable.

This morning, about 9 a.m. at the Community Center, city supervisors will take action on a proposed bus service that would run along four routes, perhaps as early as Oct. 1.

The public hearing has already taken place, but it would be worthwhile for people to show up in support of this much-needed service.

When we envision Carson City's future, even with a bypass to remove a big load from Carson Street, we see it as a place easily accessible by the public - and especially youngsters, seniors and disabled - without the necessity of getting in a car and driving.

This will include an extensive bike and trail system, we hope, but it also must include public transportation. These bus routes will be a significant step forward for Carson City.

This evening, starting at 6 p.m. at the Community Center, supervisors will take up another issue crucial to the future - and to your pocketbooks.

A proposal to raise water rates for homes and businesses would increase your bill by 7 percent in April and another 7 percent in October.

Again, we've already expressed our opinions on the subject (hold the line for minimum users, jack up the rates on big users), and now it's your turn. The best way for supervisors to know how increased rates will affect you is to tell them yourself.

In one way or another, these three issues affect all Carson City residents. Today's a good day to get involved.


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