'Friends don't let friends ...': fill in the blank here

"Friends don't let friends drive drunk."

So goes the public service announcement.

A true friend would certainly do everything possible to prevent a loved one from engaging in behavior that would be self-destructive or harmful to others. That's because a true friend will care enough to confront and refuse to be sin's enabler.

A true friend loves at all times, and true love promotes the best interests of the one loved. In other words, friends don't let friends drive drunk.

God is the best definition and the best demonstration of love. "God is love" and He "demonstrated His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." He paid our ransom with His life. Isn't that just like God?

He's always promoting our best interests. As our heavenly Father, He provides our needs, including guidance, discipline and correction. As a loving parent, He refuses to simply dole out to us everything we think we need or demand. Sometimes God answers our requests with a "no" or "later."

God knows us better than we know ourselves. He will never say "yes" to us just to make us feel good, when what's best for us may be "no."

Whatever became of sin? Everybody's a victim today, afflicted with some sort of disease or "-ism." We no longer expect people to be responsible for their actions. We want everyone to feel good about himself ... even if he shouldn't.

If a youngster answers his teacher "two plus two equals six," how should the teacher respond? Should the teacher praise the student for coming up with the wrong answer? Of course not!

"Speaking the truth in love," the teacher would instruct the student that two plus two is still four. When the youngster gets the question correct on the next test, he will feel good about himself for a legitimate reason. He got the answer right.

When you allow someone to continue in sin, to continue to believe what's false, to continue in self-destructive behavior, you're no friend. You're an enabler.

Remember, friends don't let friends _______________. You fill in the blank.

n Ken Haskins is pastor of First Christian Church in Carson City.


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