Domestic Violence Council hands out $1.1 million

The Nevada Domestic Violence Prevention Council has awarded $1.1 million in grants to organizations dealing with domestic violence, sexual assault and related issues.

The money comes from the federal government under the Stop Violence Against Women Act.

Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa said there is so much need that organizations actually applied for more than double the amount they had to give out.

"We are confident that the approximately $1.1 million in grants awarded this year will prove to be very valuable in helping to provide additional services to victims, training for law enforcement and to enhance Nevada's overall response to domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking," she said.

She said priority was given where the greatest need was shown and under served populations such as the elderly, disabled and minorities.

The awards were provided in categories including prosecution, law enforcement, victim services and the courts. She said a large portion of the funds went to continue or increase advocacy services.


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