Teacher files for school board

A Douglas County teacher who has called himself a thorn in the district's side filed Tuesday to run for school board trustee.

Randy Green, 48, has been a teacher in Douglas County for 23 years. He currently is a government teacher at Douglas High School. His wife, Karen, has taught at Carson Valley Middle School for 10 years.

Green applied to be appointed to the school board in November 1998 after Diane McCoy quit.

The board agreed to interview him, even though the district's attorney Tom Susich and some school board members voiced their opinion that because he is a teacher, he could not sit on the board, according to state statute.

They feared he would have a conflict of interest because the board makes decisions which affect teachers' contracts and salaries.

Green said he believes state law allows him to run for a seat on the school board for which he works. However, if he is elected, he would take the issue to the courts for a decision. Green said he wants to assure everyone he will not resign.

Early Tuesday Gardnerville Elementary School Principal on special assignment Kirk Cunningham announced he would run for board member John Raker's seat. However, he withdrew when told Green would be running and said he would throw his support behind Green.

Green said his decision to run comes from his responsibility as a citizen of this community.

"There are a lot of my ex-students I consider friends in the community. I feel connected to it and I care a lot about it," he said. "Both of my children are grown. I've completed that task to some degree. Now it is time to serve my community. My whole life has been in education - it's the one area I feel I have a contribution to make."

The Greens have two children who graduated from Douglas High School, Kelley, 21, and Kaycee, 19. Green has also coached basketball for the school.


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