Letter: Neighbors come to aid during nearby fire

Thanks for neighbors and those other passing by!

I live behind the house that burned on Silver Sage Thursday. Embers from that house landed on my roof. Bonnie Parnell and a friend who were driving by stopped to tell me my roof was burning and stayed to help put it out with the garden hose. Several others also came to help. I really don't even know who all were here, but they were wonderful.

One neighbor raced on his bike to tell the firemen of the added problem. Another man, who really got the job done, got on the roof and the hose was passed up to him. The firemen did come, but they were plenty busy on Silver Sage and had to come through the fence between the houses - no way to come around on the street.

Thank you all. Neighbors and all are wonderful. God bless you all and the firemen who checked several times to be sure that all was OK.


Carson City


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