Work clearing Highway 4 moving at a mile a day

Work continues to clear Highway 4 to Ebbetts Pass in Alpine County. California Department of Transportation photo

Work continues to clear Highway 4 to Ebbetts Pass in Alpine County. California Department of Transportation photo

The California Department of Transportation continues to make progress clearing Ebbetts Pass.

The Woodfords Maintenance Yard crew members began snow removal operations early last week and have already cleared approximately five miles of State Route 4.

Caltrans has formally relocated the Ebbetts Pass closure gate up to Raymond Meadows now allowing increased public access for camping and fishing activities along Silver Creek. The Caltrans Woodfords crew have been able to clear approximately one mile of roadway each day and are encountering snow depths of 12-16 feet in addition to several down trees and scattered debris along this narrow mountain corridor.

Ebbetts and Sonora passes closed on Jan. 2, along with Monitor Pass, which reopened on April 10. Tioga Pass at the eastern entrance to Yosemite National Park remains closed after shutting down before Thanksgiving.

Maintenance crews will continue clearing Ebbetts Pass and providing weekly updates to the public on progress made to formally reopen State Route 4 for the season. For the latest road closure and highway conditions visit, tune your car radio to Caltrans Highway Advisory Radio (HAR) at 530 AM, 1610 AM, or call the Caltrans Road Condition Hotline at 1-800-427- 7623.

Caltrans urges motorists to still use caution while driving the Sierra Mountain pass routes and watch for icy road surfaces in the overnight and early morning hours. For helpful information on winter driving conditions click on the link below:


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