Jan. 22, 2025, Letter to the Editor

Reach For Joy members front row from left, Linda Hamer, Kaitlyn Hartman, Cindy Stapleton, Beth Robinson, Suzanne Lammay, Kara Miller, back row: John Hamer, Larry Kahar, Diana Kahar, Deb Cox, Henry Hartman, Denise Rudnick in front of Sonney’s BBQ Shack Bar and Grill.

Reach For Joy members front row from left, Linda Hamer, Kaitlyn Hartman, Cindy Stapleton, Beth Robinson, Suzanne Lammay, Kara Miller, back row: John Hamer, Larry Kahar, Diana Kahar, Deb Cox, Henry Hartman, Denise Rudnick in front of Sonney’s BBQ Shack Bar and Grill.

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Thank you


On behalf of the Reach for Joy Outreach Team, I would like to thank everyone in our compassionate, generous community who helped us with funding, assembling, and distributing 5,200 family meal bags during the 2024 Christmas season. Because of the efforts of over 250 volunteers and the tremendous community support, we were able to go far beyond the 4500 bags we had originally planned and were able to help many more people. The bags went throughout Douglas County, Carson City, Dayton, Stagecoach, Sparks, Wellington, Coleville and South Lake Tahoe. Thank you so very much to The RecordCourier for helping us publicize the event as well as Chris & Sam Calhoun from the Gardnerville Grocery Outlet for acquiring the food.  Thank you to Sonney Bruning for so generously allowing us to use his restaurant to stage out of as well as High Sierra Fellowship. Thanks to Costco, Warren Reed Insurance, Raptor Pest Control, 2A Beef, A & L Enterprises, Louis Lesende, Dennis McDuffee and Vicki Hone.

Reach for Joy is the outreach ministry of High Sierra Fellowship, Trinity Lutheran, & Calvary Chapel Carson City.  

Founded 6 years ago, R4J has grown from a 450 bag initial Christmas outreach to 5,200 this year. In addition, we do 4 major outreaches a year along with smaller monthly outreaches.  We love Jesus & want to share His love with our community.

On behalf of the Reach for Joy team, thank you for your support and have a wonderful New Year.

Kara Miller

Reach for Joy Team Leader
