Douglas County legal - 49663

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On 1/16/2025, the Douglas County Board of

Commissioners INTRODUCED the following


ORDINANCE: 2025-1651

TITLE: Ordinance 2025-1651, amending

Title 2-Administration and Personnel,

adding Chapter 2.23-Public Administrator

to the Douglas County Code, including

abolishing the elected Office of Public

Administrator, allowing a person to be

employed or contracted with to carry out

the duties and responsibilities set forth

in Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 253

and any other provision of law relating to

a public administrator; and establishing

other requirements for employment or

contract which are prudent to ensure

the proper administration of a deceased

person’s estate in Douglas County

consistent with Nevada Revised Statutes.

SUMMARY: An ordinance amending Title

2-Administration and Personnel, by adding

Chapter 2.23-Public Administrator to the

Douglas County Code. Chapter 2.23- Public

Administrator abolishes the elected Office

of the Public Administrator; allows the

board to employ or contract with a person

for services to carry out the duties and

responsibilities set forth in NRS Chapter

253 and any other provision of law relating

to a public administrator; establishes

minimum qualifications, supervision,

compensation, budgeting, reporting,

investigations, audits, and payment

into the general fund of fees, costs and

expenses received from a deceased’s

estate, and other provisions necessary to

administer a deceased person’s estate in

Douglas County consistent with Nevada

Revised Statutes.

The 2nd Reading of this Ordinance will be

held on 2/6/2025. A copy of this ordinance is

on file in the Clerk’s Office for public review.

Pub Date: January 22, 2025 Ad # 49663