Sertoman Pat Cardinal, Friends in Service Helping Gail Funk, Carson Valley Health’s Daphne Hiller, Friends in Service Helping’s Maria Mendez and Brenda Helsley and Sertoman Linda Armstrong. Photo special to The R-C by Eileen Behr
For the past seven years, Carson Valley Sertoma has hosted an annual coat drive to benefit local area non-profit organizations in supplying warm items to those in need. Last fall, the Friends in Service Helping Family Resource Center in the Gardnerville Ranchos stepped in as collaborators with Sertoma to facilitate the 2024-25 coat drive.
FISH has provided space to store and sort donated items so they can be given to organizations throughout Carson Valley and Carson City. Each week, Sertoma barrel tenders bring donations to the center at 921 Mitch Drive, where sorting crews separate items and prepare them for distribution.
Coat Drive co-chairs Eileen Behr (Sertoma) and Maria Mendez (FISH) shared the benefits of working collaboratively during this year’s event.
Behr said, “FISH is an excellent partner. The folks here in the Ranchos are upbeat and really efficient.”
“I love the partnership we have. It’s such a good thing for the community,” said Mendez. She noted the importance of sharing the many different resources available to residents in Douglas County and Carson City and expressed gratitude for the opportunity to connect the two service organizations in this unique way.
Coat Drive donations come in different forms, both material and financial. Thousands of warm items have been brought to Sertoma’s blue donation barrels. Douglas County’s “Stitches” knitting group and the La Tea Da Knitters and Crocheters in Carson City donated hundreds of hand-crafted beanies and hat-and-glove sets to the drive. Through their two Carson City store locations and Sparks warehouse, the Walmart Foundation has contributed financially to the drive, as has Carson Valley Health.
As of this writing, these efforts have resulted in the collection and distribution of 2,233 coats and jackets and 5,584 warm items.
Coat Drive donations will be accepted through January 31, and all items donated each year are distributed to local organizations and causes. Behr said the decision to continue the drive past the holiday season is intentional and that at least a third of the annual donations are received in January.
Behr has arranged for some “everything-except-coats” giveaways this month. The first takes place at the Douglas County Community and Senior Center, 1329 Waterloo Drive in Gardnerville, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Friday. A second giveaway is scheduled at the Carson City Senior Center 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Jan. 24. A giveaway at the Carson Valley Community Food Closet is in the planning stages.
To learn more about the Sertoma Coat Drive, find a list of blue barrel donation locations, or make a financial contribution, visit
Seed Swap set for Jan. 25
UNR Extension Master Gardeners host their fourth annual Seed Swap 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Jan. 25 at the Douglas County Community & Senior Center.
Attendees are encouraged to bring seeds to swap or share. Seed donations will be accepted at the UNR Douglas County Extension office, 1325 Waterloo Lane in Gardnerville, until the day of the event.
UNR Extension Horticulture Outreach Coordinator Jessica Gardner said seed swaps are a great way to share and discover different seed varieties, learn more about plants, and build connections with others who share and interest and enthusiasm for growing.
UNR Extension Master Gardeners and other local experts will be on hand to provide information and answer questions from the public. There’s a suggested donation of $5 to attend the event, with proceeds supporting the Master Gardeners program in Douglas County.
For more information, contact Gardner at or 775-782-9960.
Amy Roby can be reached at