Irrigation panel takes no action on Parkway

A short segment of Muller Lane Parkway heads south from Toler Lane.

A short segment of Muller Lane Parkway heads south from Toler Lane.

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Members of the Douglas County’s Water Conveyance Advisory Board suggested Monday that the county and David Park work out their differences over Muller Lane Parkway.

Board member Frank Godecke said the panel debated the county’s request for Muller Lane Parkway road improvements that may impact irrigation facilities.

The county is committed to building 3.2 miles of two-lane roads between Heybourne Road and Toler Lane by the end of this year.

“There was a considerable amount of discussion concerning the overlap of the right of way into the Virginia Canal easement,” Godecke said on Tuesday. “At one point in the meeting David Hussman reluctantly moved to accept the proposal with the two conditions that Jeremy Hutchings had recommended as well as an additional condition that I proposed which would allow the entity operating within the ditch easement to continue to clean the canal as has been historically done in the past, with the spoils being placed within the easement irrespective of the right of way.”

There was a vote to approve and then a vote to rescind the vote after some more discussion that led to the advisors taking no action.

“Hussman said the logical approach to this dilemma would be to have the county and David Park agree to a boundary line adjustment for the easement to the west and get it off the ditch easement,” Godecke said. “The board voted to rescind the previous motion.  The next motion was to table the item with no action by the board and no date certain for the item to be continued.  The motion passed unanimously.”

Park complained to the Federal Emergency Management Administration that the county’s flood administration wasn’t effective the day before an effort to obtain an injunction to prevent the county from building the Parkway was rejected.

Park said that the county’s plan for the road would result in additional flooding on his property.

The portion of Muller Lane Parkway south of Toler to Grant Avenue will be built by the developers of Virginia Ranch.

Some route across the northern flank of Gardnerville and Minden has been on the books since the late 1980s as a bypass. The name for Muller Lane Parkway was first used in 1991.

Under county ordinance, trucks won’t be allowed to use the route and will continue to roll on Highway 395 through the towns.