Alpine County legal - 47438

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Markleeville Public Utility District (“MPUD”) will receive sealed envelope bids only for the Sewer Pump Station Relocation Project at the Alpine Watershed Group, 50 Diamond Valley Rd., Markleeville, CA 96120 until 1:00 p.m. local time, November 6, 2024. At which time or thereafter said bids may be read aloud. 

The contractor is advised that a Good Faith Effort to acquire Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) subcontractors, including documentation is a requirement of this bid. 

The Project consists of removing and abandoning an existing sewer pump station and installing a new sewer pump station including all site improvements, electrical, and piping work required to tie the sewer pump station into the existing sewer system. The project will occur North of the Laramie St. and Highway 89 intersection, from the highway to the wastewater treatment plant. 

MPUD will issue a Notice of Intent to Award within thirty (30) calendar days after the opening of Proposals, as the project is funded but the California Water Boards Clean Water State Revolving Fund agreement (project number C-06-8426210) and will not be officially award until approval has been issued by the State. 

BID SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: No proposal will be accepted unless it is made on a Proposal forms furnished by MPUD within these Specifications. To ensure consideration, the Proposal must be enclosed in a sealed envelope, clearly marked BID PROPOSAL which also bears the name of the project, and the date and time set for opening of Proposals: 


Markleeville Public Utility District 

Sewer Pump Relocation Project 

November 6, 2024, 1:00 pm 

No Proposal will be accepted from a contractor who is not currently licensed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9, Division III of the Business and Professions Code. Subcontractors shall also be licensed as required by said code. 

Bidding requirements, bid forms, plans and specifications for this project can be obtained at the following sources and their respective platforms: 

* Valley Contractor’s Exchange: 

* Valley Builder’s Exchange (VBE): 

* Sierra Contractors Source: 

The Engineer’s Estimate for this project is $1,760,000. 

Pub Date: October 26, 2024 Ad # 47438