The June 13, 2024, R-C Morning Report

Kathy Schuman took this photo of David Woodruff portraying Lucky Baldwin in a Chautauqua at the Dangberg Home Ranch last week. The Douglas County Historical Society Young Chautauquans will portray an array of historical characters at the Home Ranch on Friday.

Kathy Schuman took this photo of David Woodruff portraying Lucky Baldwin in a Chautauqua at the Dangberg Home Ranch last week. The Douglas County Historical Society Young Chautauquans will portray an array of historical characters at the Home Ranch on Friday.

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Genoa, Nev. — Construction on Highway 395 will close intersections with Gilman and Waterloo today, with Gilman closed 7 a.m. to noon and Waterloo noon to 6 p.m. according to this morning’s NDOT text. Douglas Avenue will also be closed.

A 286-acre fire is burning just south of Pyramid Lake was discovered on Wednesday morning and is still putting up a little smoke this morning. East Fork sent some folks up to the 195-acre Trail Fire just west of Reno on Tuesday. The Sierra Front Interagency Dispatch lists it as contained this morning.

A fire weather watch was issued by the National Weather Service in Reno for 2-11 p.m. Friday. Don’t be surprised if that doesn’t morph into the first red flag warning of the year at some point today.

The Clerk-Treasurer’s Office updated the ballot count on Wednesday evening without any changes to the leaders. Unless there more than 647 late votes for Jim McKalip, Danny Tarkanian has won the primary.

Both Mark Gardner and Nathan Tolbert won their races with 67-68 percent of the vote, literally doubling their opponent’s totals. Tolbert will take over Walt Nowosad’s District 5 seat in the new year.

Mosquito fogging up at Sunridge and Winhaven is actually 9:30 p.m. today. I was driving up Riverview, as you do when avoiding construction, when I noticed the fogging signs around the golf course.

I was having trouble converting dates to days on Wednesday, which is why the Pink Rose teaser said Friday instead of Saturday. It’s actually Saturday.

East Fork firefighters and medics responded to a collision at East Valley and Pinenut Road around 1:18 p.m. that didn’t involve a construction truck, actually. I didn’t hear anyone was transported.

Dangberg Home Ranch’s Mike Hall will portray Fred Dangberg Jr. 6 p.m. today at the Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center, 1477 Main St., Gardnerville. Cost, $5 at the door, DCHS Members Free. Information, 775-782-2555.

Fredericksburg resident Jeff Garvin reported 99 degrees at his place on Wednesday. It was the third 95-degree of 2024 in Minden, which came within 2 degrees of the 97-degree record set in 1974. Today is forecast to be sunny with a high of 92 degrees, with a cooling trend in the works.

Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Contact him at or 775-782-5122.


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