Carson Valley Health workers walk from the new ER entrance to the old one on Monday morning.
Photo by Kurt Hildebrand.
Genoa, Nev. — Monday afternoon’s temblor is reading magnitude 5.8 this morning. I got the earthquake alert on my phone just as it hit on Monday afternoon, so I went outside as suggested, only to look up and see the electrical line right over my head. Good thing it wasn’t worse, or I could have been fricasseed.
I checked in on Project Santa Claus at the Fairgrounds on Monday, and they’re making good progress on getting the presents wrapped up for the annual distribution just before Christmas.
Planning commissioners are scheduled to discuss a master plan amendment 1 p.m. today for five acres of a 24-acre parcel in Minden from agricultural to general commercial behind the Hajoca store.
Revisions to the South Shore Area Plan might be the thing that draws the most attention at today’s meeting, since it certainly has the most public comment in the supplemental material. The Planning Commission meets at the Douglas County Courthouse, 1616 Eighth St., in Minden.
Today will be the last meeting for Douglas County School Board trustees Linda Gilkerson and Carey Kangas. Among the items before the board is an agreement with Western Nevada College for the Jump Start program, which allows high school students to take college classes. Trustees meet 4 p.m. in the Douglas High School Media Center.
Carson Valley Health opened its expansion on Monday, which moved the emergency room from the north to the south sides of the building. The other big change is that people coming in for appointments can check in directly with the department that's seeing them.
I got word that the Dec. 21 Community Bingo hosted by Youth at Heart has been canceled, likely due to its proximity to Christmas. I expect they’ll be back at it in January.
Today is forecast to be a bit warmer with still conditions and a high temperature of 47 degrees under sunny skies. There might be a change in the weather coming on Thursday morning, but we’ll deal with that then.
Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Contact him at or 775-782-5122.