Mosquito adulticide is sprayed along the Carson River east of Sunridge on Saturday morning.
Photo by Kurt Hildebrand.
Genoa, Nev. — Douglas County Mosquito Abatement will be fogging in the Westwood area of Minden after 9 p.m. tonight. Mosquitoes trapped last week at Topaz Lake are being checked for West Nile Virus and there’s a plan to spray the campground and park there 5:30-11 a.m. Aug. 19.
Douglas County School Superintendent Frankie Alvarado’s first School Board meeting is 4 p.m. today at the Airport Training Center off Airport Road. Two projects with Tahoe-Douglas Fire Protection District are on the agenda, along with an item discussing the role of legal counsel.
Planning commissioners will hear a report on Barton’s efforts to build a hospital in Stateline at their meeting 1 p.m. today, which has prompted opposition from residents there. Planning commissioners meet at the Douglas County Courthouse, 1616 Eighth St., in Minden.
A presentation on a fall grazing project in the Jacks Valley Wildlife Management Area is scheduled for the Douglas County Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife 5 p.m. today in the Carson Valley Medical Center Room of the Douglas County Community & Senior Center.
Night work on Highway 395 is continuing. During my run to Gardnerville on Monday to buy insect repellant, I spent about 15 minutes going from the S-curve to Gilman Avenue. I saw around three NDOT pickups stuck in traffic going the other way.
Traffic is reportedly being routed to the inside lanes of the highway today and Wednesday. There were still some crosswalks missing stripes and cones surrounding the concrete collars for manholes and utilities.
The forecast calls for sunny skies and a high temperature of 85 degrees with the wind out of the west at 10-15 mph, gusting to 25 mph.
Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Contact him at or 775-782-5122.