New Superintendent Frankie Alvarado will present his first official report since being hired in July to the Douglas County School board during Tuesday’s meeting.
Also, during the meeting, the board is expected to approve and introduce Andrew Fromdahl as Minden Elementary School’s new principal and Amy Carter as the Principal at Pau-Wa-Lu Middle School, and address a shortage of teachers across the district.
The district is in need of a secondary math classroom teacher, secondary science classroom teacher, and a special education classroom teacher. The board will consider designating the need for the teachers under critical shortage need.
The district has had a difficult time recruiting and maintaining qualified candidates to fill the positions and designating them as a critical shortage, if approved by the state, will enable the district to consider hiring candidates who have previously retired, but wish to fill the position until it can be filled by another qualified candidate.
Legal counsel is expected to discuss their role and define parameters for board members talking to legal counsel and the Tahoe-Douglas Fire Protection District will provide more information about the Memorandum of Understanding.
The memorandum of understanding is a proposal between the Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection District and Douglas County School District to provide instructors for the fire science program, a new career technology education program at Whittell High School.
If the board approves the proposal, the agreement will enable the Tahoe-Douglas Fire Protection District to conduct a feasibility study, hold a school community Town Hall meeting, and to explore options for a shared facility use at Whittell High School that will be a HeliTac Base for the fire district to use for emergency response operations and provide a fire science program for students.
The proposal was brought before the board in June. Tahoe-Douglas Fire Chief Scott Lindegren provided the board with information about current fire and rescue resources at the Tahoe Basin, which are scarce, and the agreement would enhance emergency medical services and wildfire response in the area.
The Douglas County School Board meeting is scheduled for 4 p.m. Aug. 13 in the Airport Training Center, 1126 Airport Road, Building G-1. Visit for the full agenda.
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